Emma Sjödin Design

Vi finns i monter C11:19

'EMMA SJÖDIN' DESIGN' was established 2008, and offers a growing range of products in home decoration focusing on textiles. My ambition is to bring art in to everyday life through interior design products with a modern country style. I take inspiration from the details in plants and bugs such as woodland strawberries, wild roses, daisies, bellflowers and butterflies. I never render the subject fully, but instead I create my own realty. My techniques are primarily pencil drawing and watercolour painting and I aim to create products which will withstand the passage of time.
The company is situated in Jönköping/Sweden and run by me - Emma Sjödin
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  • @emmasjodindesign
  • Emma Sjodin Design


  • Livsstil & trädgård



  • Emma Sjödin

  • Emma Sjödin

Emma Sjödin Design

Frövik Södergård 2 571 97  Forserum Sverige