Geranium of the Year
The Geranium of the Year is coordinated and communicated via Blomsterfrämjandet and is awarded at Nordiska Trädgårdar.
The geranium genus shows an amazing breadth and variety in both appearance and uses, which we want to highlight with the “geranium of the year”. There are geraniums with flowers in many different shapes and colors and foliage in the most diverse patterns. Geraniums can be fragrant, used in baked goods and there are varieties for both indoor and outdoor use.
To highlight the diversity of the geranium genus, a geranium or a group of geranium varieties is awarded the honorary title of Geranium of the Year every year. To receive the award, the geranium must be healthy and vigorous with a high beauty value. In addition, the variety should show a different expression than what we usually see in geraniums.
High-resolution images are available on Blomsterfrämjandet’s website under the press tab: