Zonal geranium ‘Astrid’
Geranium of the Year 2021 is a brand new zonal Geranium called ‘Astrid’. The variety has double flowers that shimmer in various shades of pink and apricot. The leaves are fresh green with a wide, undulating, chocolate brown zonal marking. In addition to its beautiful appearance, the variety has fantastic cultivation characteristics: the geranium delivers flower splendor both indoors and outdoors, can withstand rain and debris, and offers unlikely flowering throughout the summer!
The flowers of ‘Astrid’ are charming. They are small and almost rose-like, and are tightly packed together like a small bouquet of daisies. The edge of the petals is creamy white with a pinkish tinge, followed by a romantic pink that turns slightly apricot in the depths. The color can vary depending on the location, for example, the flowers take on a more apricot hue indoors and more pink outdoors.
High resolution images are available on the Blomsterfrämjandet website “
What they say about ‘Astrid’
Anders Haglund, gardener at Torsång Handelsträdgård in Dalarna
– I had the privilege of growing the variety already last year and I must say that it is one of the best Geranium of the Year varieties we have ever had! ‘Astrid’ has a fantastic flower, is stable in cultivation and really good at home with the end customer. I’ve had it out on the steps at home myself and it’s very hardy. Many geraniums with full flowers are in danger of being rained on, but ‘Astrid’ keeps very well. The variety has a chance to become a real favorite!
Patrik Vilsmyr, Marketing Manager at Mäster Grön and member of the jury
– The first time I saw the variety was in the summer of 2018 and I knew immediately that it was a suitable candidate for Geranium of the Year. I have since had it in my garden for a couple of years to be able to follow and evaluate it, as a complement to the breeder’s controls. And I must say that it is absolutely magical and totally superior to the other candidates! It is one of the finest varieties I have seen with great ornamental value, or as we say in the industry, garden preformance.
The jury for Geranium of the Year includes Jonas Samuelsson from LRF Trädgård/Prydnadsväxter, Klaus Thingholm from Syngenta, Lotta Ahlvar, trend analyst and Patrik Vilsmyr from Mäster Grön.
With soft-toned color variations that emit warmth and outstanding reflection, and a flower shape that exudes romance to overflowing perfection, an irresistible magic is created.
Together with a solid refinement work, we achieve the goal of creating a garden experience for everyone – garden performance.
Where can I buy the Geranium of the Year?
Most garden centers and flower shops sell Geranium of the Year. If you are not able to visit a shop, many shops also sell Geranium of the Year online.
The name
In Sweden the variety is sold under the name Astrid, but in some other countries in Europe it is called Rosebud Astrid and in the USA it is called Rosalie.
‘Astrid’ thrives both inside on the windowsill and outdoors, for example in the entrance pot, balcony box or planted in the border. Until the weather is mild and the nights are frost-free, the variety should be kept inside on the windowsill, in the conservatory or in another frost-free and bright place.
To do this:
– When you get your geraniums home, they may need to be replanted. Look at the roots and see how they look. Choose a pot/box/pot with a good volume and a good quality soil. It is important to add nutrients to the soil, as geraniums develop best when they are well nourished. The easiest way to do this is to water with a weak nutrient solution at each watering.
– Water regularly, but always allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. It’s best to water geraniums in the morning so that they have time to dry out during the day. If this is not possible, watering them in the evening works well.
Watering in the middle of the day is less appropriate because much of the water evaporates immediately. Geraniums cope very well with drought, but they do not develop as well as when watered regularly.
– Geraniums love light and want to be in a bright and airy place. If you are planting several geraniums together, or planting geraniums together with other plants, be careful not to plant the plants too close together. They will grow together over time and will benefit from a little airiness at first. Always place geraniums in a bright position!
– Be diligent about pinching off wilted flowers, preferably before they set seed, although the seed pod itself is a beautiful and amusing decoration – it looks like a grosbeak. Geranium means big beak.