
Trädgårdsmorgon September 10, 2023

Welcome to our first of two (!) programs in September. In this program we focus on planting tulips and daffodils, taking seeds from your own plants, planting berry bushes and getting inspiration to create a beautiful bouquet! The hosts of Trädgårdsmorgon are, as usual, Linda Schilén and Johan Munter.

Leif Blomqvist from Blomqvist nursery tells us what to think about when planting berry bushes in the fall, and we delve a little deeper into the “berry of youth” – Blåbärsty.

Linda shows how to take seeds from your own plants for next year, and answers questions. What is the F1 variety, and how should you store your seeds?

Erik Hoekstra from Florea will show how you can quickly and easily create your own cut flower garden with tulips and daffodils.

Johan gives us inspiration and shows us how to make a beautiful fall bouquet.


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