
Trädgårdsmorgon September 25, 2021

Finally, it’s time for a new episode of Trädgårdsmorgon! This time our hosts Linda Schilén and Johan Munter focus on all the delights of fall together with several guests. We offer tips and inspiration on winter sowing and growing indoors, fall bouquets and fall plantings, baking with apples, preparations in the garden and much more!

Features and contributors

Meet host and gardener Linda Schilén on Instagram!
Meet host and florist Johan Munter on Instagram!

Johan Munter

Autumn bouquet with Johan Munter

The flowers come from Floristkompaniet.
Time of feature: 00:03:40

Floristkompaniet on Instagram
Floristkompaniet on Facebook
Floristkompaniet’s website

Winter sowing with Veronica from Plantagen

Veronica and Johan Munter
Linda Schilén and Bella Linde

Seeds; growing indoors all year round

With Linda Schilén and Bella Linde. Seeds from Nelson Gardens’ “Sow all year round” range. Sow all year round are seeds that are suitable for sowing all months of the year.
Time for the feature: 00:20:30

Read more & shop at Nelson Garden
Shop the products at Plantagen

Buy Bella Linde’s book Grow vegetables inside: from seed to harvest (Adlibris)
Buy Bella Linde’s book Grow vegetables inside: from seed to harvest (Bokus)

Linda Schilén

Planting a fall pot with Linda Schilén

Time of the feature: 00:35:00

The National Organization for Leisure Farming, FOR

Time of the feature: 00:42:55

FOR on Facebook
FOR’s website


Johan Munter, Annelie Andersson
Linda Schilén and Ulrika Levin

Planting spring bulbs in a pot with Linda Schilén and Ulrika Levin

Tips for cleaning and closing the garden, with Linda and Johan

Time of the feature: 01:08:25

Johan Munter and Linda Schilén
Minna Mercke Schmidt

Decorating with greenery, with Minna Mercke Schmidt

Time of the feature: 01:15:30

More inspiration from Minna and Blomsterfrämjandet:

Minna Mercke Schmidt on Instagram

Flower Promotion on Instagram
The Flower Promotion website

Tips for overwintering plants and controlling pests, with Linda and Johan

Time of the feature: 01:17:15

Johan Munter and Linda Schilén
The book FRÖ: In search of the food of the future by Anna Liljemalm and the book Klimatsmart trädgård: Planting and growing for sustainability by Susanna Rosén

Bella's book talk: Bella Linde meets authors Susanna Rosén and Anna Liljemalm

Autumn wreath with Johan Munter

Time of the feature: 01:39:04

Johan Munter

Main partner

Plantatgen logo


The logo of the National Organization for Leisure Farming